I thought I would share what we are using in our homeschool this year.
Ashton 8th grade
Math - a combination of Saxon and Aleks.com
Grammar - Analytical Grammar - love it so far
Spelling - Sequential Spelling
History - Unit study on the Civil War and Streams of Civilization
Science - Apologia General Science and Physical Science
Bible - Answers for Kids
Handwriting - Handwriting without tears
Literature - a selection of books and literature studies
Writing is worked into his other subjects for now.
Cyrus Grade 4
Math - Horizon 4
Grammar - Winston Grammar with some things added
Spelling -
Spelling Connections
History - Unit Study on the Civil War and Streams of Civilization
Science - Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures
Bible - Answers in Genesis
Handwriting - Handwriting without Tears
Literature - a variety of books
Genesis Grade 2
Math - Horizon 2
Grammar - Winston Grammar with some things added
Spelling -
Spelling Connections
History - Unit Study on the Civil War and Streams of Civilization
Science - Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures
Bible - Answers in Genesis
Handwriting - Handwriting without Tears
Reading/Phonics - Abeka
I'm sure you noticed that all 3 do the same history and Bible. Though it is not exactly the same for each. Ashton gets his beefed up a bit so it is more his level. It helps me to have at least some of their subjects together. Cy and Gen do a lot of the same things but according to their ability or level. In all honesty, elementary teaches the same stuff over and over just adding to the difficulty each year. Do you really need to learn what a noun is every year or just learn it well the first time and continuously use it from there on out?
The children also take piano lessons, play sports, participate in different clubs, and take classes with our homeschool group. We are also blessed enough to be able to travel with Joe, which provides for lots of field trips. It has been wonderful for our study on the Civil War. We also homeschool year round with breaks here and there.
I'm very pleased with the curriculum we are using right now. One thing I always try to remember if it is not working for your child it is okay to not finish it and get something that does.