Saturday, February 25, 2012


Today as I was reading through Proverbs 31 verse 27 struck me. "She looketh well to the ways of her household, And eateth not the bread of idlenss." To look after your house well and to live up to all the virtues of the Proverbs 31 woman, one must be organized. I mean after all can you say your are looking after your house well if you have piles of stuff everywhere or it takes you forever to get something done because you are looking for the tools to do it. With this thought in mind I started wondering around the house just looking at each room carefully. Let me tell you I was not pleased with what I saw. My house is a far cry from organized. I knew it had been neglected because of working outside the home, my health, and all the other stuff that required my attention, but I just didn't realize how bad it had been neglected.

I then decided to do a google search about getting organized. The result was me coming across this article "52 Weeks of Organizing". I then went around with my camera and took pictures of all the areas I want to get organized. I have come up with 45 things for my list so far. Here they are:

1. cabinet under the kitchen sink
2. pan cabinet
3. cereal cabinet
4. top of piano
5. top of Ashton's dresser
6. top of Cyrus' dresser of Genesis' dresser
8. top of Joe's dresser
9. desk in schoolroom
10. top of dryer
11. shelves in Genesis' room
12. brown bookcase in schoolroom
13. blue bookcase in schoolroom
14. green shelves in schoolroom
15. file cabinet
16. plastic drawers in schoolroom
17. living room blankets
18. bulletin board
19. shelves in boys room
20 toys in boy's room
21. shoes in boy's room
22. toys in Genesis' room
23. entry way in kitchen
24. kitchen closet
25. top of fridges
26. inside fridges and stove drawer
27. kitchen counter
28. desk in master bedroom
29. TV table in master bedroom
30. master closet
31. bookcases in hallway
32. junk drawer in kitchen
33. incoming mail
34. basement pantry shelves
35. seasonal decorations
36. laundry
37. craft items
38. canning supplies
39. seasonal / outgrown clothes
40. donation clothes/stuff
41. seasonal dishes
42. cleaners
43. bath toys
44. household notebook
45. kids home-school stuff

I probably will not do this in the order it is written but at least I have a list that I can mark off as I go. I will post pictures and explain what I did as I go. I have already organized some of my kitchen cabinets simply because I couldn't take it anymore. Trying to prepare meals was becoming quite the hassle. I have noticed that once I have something organized it is much easier to get what I need done.

Also our home is not large we have 1120 square feet and only 3 closets for 6 people. The basement is damp so I can only store some stuff down there. I know though, that we could live here comfortably with a little organization and purging. No more chaos or tripping over stuff. I will be ruthless in my pursuit to make this home work for us.


Anonymous said...

I have been inspire by your blog ever since I found it and bookmark it. Last week I was reading the same Proverb and found peace after been so overwhelm with our busy schedule. I will be tackling organization of my home. Thank you for blogging. Blessings!

need your help mom said...

I feel the say as the posting before. It is awesome and I feel inspired on my challenge, to know someone out there is doing.